The NASA Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) DAAC published the GPM Ground Validation Optical Disdrometer (ODM) LPVEx dataset. This dataset consists of precipitation particle size distribution data collected by the Eigenbrodt Optical Disdrometer (ODM) deployed onboard the RV Aranda research vessel. ODM was specifically designed to measure precipitation on ship-based platforms that experience high and variable winds. ODM’s ability to maintain the optimal orientation with respect to the wind allows it to obtain more accurate precipitation measurements in this type of environment. The ODM data were collected as part of the Light Precipitation Validation Experiment (LPVEx) in September and October of 2010 around the Gulf of Finland. The overarching goals of LPVEx were to detect and understand the process of light rainfall formation at high latitudes and to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of precipitation algorithms for current and future satellite platforms. The ODM dataset files are available in ASCII text format from September 15 through September 26, 2010. It should also be noted that the ODM data were only recorded during minutes when there was precipitation occurring, therefore, the data inside each daily file are not continuous. ODM data are only available for dates during the two-week period of cruises completed by the RV Aranda in the Gulf of Finland. This was the first dataset published in both on-prem and in the Cloud at GHRC.