RSS Monthly 1-deg Microwave Total Precipitable Water netCDF Dataset Published

RSS Total Precipital Water Trend Data

GHRC has published the RSS Monthly 1-deg Microwave Total Precipitable Water netCDF dataset. This Total Precipitable Water dataset provides 1 degree gridded data for the monthly means of total precipitable water, a 20 year climatology file, and a cumulative file with data from 1988 to the current month. This includes the anomalies for global mean precipitable water over Ice Free Oceans (60S to 60N) and the tropical mean for 20S to 20N. Satellite instruments used in calculating the means are the SSMI (DMSP-F8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15) and SSMIS (16, 17), AMSR-E (Aqua) and Windsat (Coriolis). This dataset is provided in both netCDF-3 and netCDF-4 formatted files.


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