Daily Weather Summary
Name: Liza Axe
Date: 09/15/01
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Weather Summary Tropical--throughout the day, Gabrielle emerged off the FL coast and continued in a general NE direction while increasing forward speed from 'drifting' to 13 kt. Satellite imagery shows that the deep convection is well out in front of storm and is becoming part of the east-coast trough. The storm looks extratropical due to the interaction with the baroclinic environment of the trough. The center of circulation was entrained with dry air and consequently no convection is seen through most of the day. It is forecasted to continue to the NE while gaining more speed over the next 72 hr with little to no intensification. The winds were at 40 kt around 10 am and then were increased to 45 kt when a few ships obs had 39-43 kt. Gabrielle has the possibility to gain intensity, but not however as a tropical cyclone, as an extratropical system. Whatever it is and will be, it is becoming part of the trough. Elsewhere, things are quiet besides Felix and the remains of Erin. No 'major' waves are exiting the African coast. |