Mission Science Report

Mission Science Report Archive
Mission Date: 09/22/2001
Mission Scientist: Zipser, Edward
Sortie Number:
ER-2 01-140
Aerosonde None
Mission Description:

3 a/c mission in tropical cyclone Humberto.

Mission Objective:

Accomplish a QPE mission with 3 a/c until the departure of the ER2, then continue for an additional hour with 2 a/c. An additional objective was to map the conditions near the developing storm center, and flow fields and thermodynamic fields in the environment.

Mission Notes:

The main objectives were achieved. There was an obvious cyclonic circulation with a warm core at DC8 altitude, and a large semicircular band of vigorous convection on the north side. There was some apparent displacement of the upper and lower level centers which bears further study. The legs near the storm center were well coordinated between all 3 a/c from about 1845-2015 when the ER2 left the pattern. (They had to limit their flight to 6 h to preserve the option of flights Sunday and Monday.) The P3 and DC8 then worked together from about 2015-2145, with the P3 executing patterns boxing the strong convection just north of the center while the DC8 did larger patterns in parallel, such that the P3 covered the DC8 path with dual-Doppler radar. The DC8 encountered the strongest turbulence with a brief negative-g convective draft at 211610. The entire long legs into the center from the west side were clear and dry, with very low humidity shown by LASE and the JPL hygrometer. The long legs upon exit to the south and southwest documented the structure of an upper low near 24N 72W. 13 of 14 dropsondes launched on this mission were successful.


Ground/Other Assets Summary:


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