Tropical Cyclone related Precipitation Feature (TCPF)


TC-Prone Basin


    East & Central Pacific

    Northwest Pacific

    North Indian Ocean

    South Indian Ocean

    South Pacific

Storms Missed by TRMM

2007 Basin: Northwest Pacific Total storms: 22

IndexIDNamePeriodMin Sea Level
Pressure (hPa)
Max wind
speed (knots)
# overpasses # Features snapshots Rain accumulation
1 200701 KONG-REY 20070330 - 20070405 948 100 15 480 snapshots rain accumulation
2 200702 YUTU 20070515 - 20070522 926 130 20 411 snapshots rain accumulation
3 200703 TORAJI 20070703 - 20070705 996 35 6 94 snapshots rain accumulation
4 200704 MAN-YI 20070706 - 20070715 929 125 30 424 snapshots rain accumulation
5 200705 USAGI 20070727 - 20070803 933 120 26 530 snapshots rain accumulation
6 200707 PABUK 20070804 - 20070809 970 70 20 287 snapshots rain accumulation
7 200709 SEPAT 20070811 - 20070819 918 140 24 273 snapshots rain accumulation
8 200710 FITOW 20070828 - 20070906 963 80 42 974 snapshots rain accumulation
9 200711 DANAS 20070906 - 20070910 974 65 19 474 snapshots rain accumulation
10 200712 NARI 20070911 - 20070916 929 125 21 522 snapshots rain accumulation
11 200713 WIPHA 20070914 - 20070919 922 135 20 171 snapshots rain accumulation
12 200715 FRANCISCO 20070923 - 20070925 989 45 7 57 snapshots rain accumulation
13 200716 LEKIMA 20070929 - 20071004 970 70 13 125 snapshots rain accumulation
14 200717 KROSA 20071002 - 20071007 926 130 19 133 snapshots rain accumulation
15 200718 LINGLING 20071009 - 20071014 993 40 22 762 snapshots rain accumulation
16 200719 KAJIKI 20071018 - 20071021 937 115 16 458 snapshots rain accumulation
17 200720 FAXAI 20071024 - 20071026 993 40 10 185 snapshots rain accumulation
18 200721 PEIPAH 20071101 - 20071110 967 75 22 364 snapshots rain accumulation
19 200722 TAPAH 20071109 - 20071112 996 35 10 213 snapshots rain accumulation
20 200723 HAGIBIS 20071119 - 20071127 963 80 25 321 snapshots rain accumulation
21 200724 MITAG 20071120 - 20071127 952 95 22 321 snapshots rain accumulation
22 200727 HAIYAN 20071003 - 20071007 985 50 24 593 snapshots rain accumulation
©2012 Dept. of Earth & Environment, Florida International Univ., and Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, Univ.of Utah

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