GLM Annual Science Team Meeting
National Space Science and Technology Center
The University of Alabama in Huntsville
Room 1010
320 Sparkman Dr.
Huntsville, AL 35805
Tuesday, 24 September:
Day 1: Welcome and Introductions, Science Presentations
Programmatic Updates
12:45 p.m.: Greeting and logistics- Harold Peterson
1:00 p.m.: GOES-R Program Update- Steve Goodman (NOAA NESDIS)
1:30 p.m.: The GOES-R GLM Lightning Jump Algorithm (LJA): Research to Operational Algorithm- Larry Carey/Chris Schultz/Elise Schultz (UAH/NASA-MSFC/UAH)
1:45 p.m.: Climatology of lightning flash rates and radar observations of multiple storm types- Ben Herzog/Kristin Calhoun (OU CIMMS)
2:00 p.m.: OKLMA- Don MacGorman (NOAA NSSL)
2:15 p.m.: Operational and Research Use of the West Texas LMA- Eric Bruning (TX Tech)
2:30 p.m.: North Georgia LMA- John Trostel (Ga. Tech)
2:45 p.m.: GLD360 and Oceanic Lightning- Morris Cohen/Fadi Zoghzoghy (GA Tech/Stanford)
3:00 p.m.: Ground flash fraction retrieval- William Koshak (NASA-MSFC)
3:15 p.m.: Coffee break
3:45 p.m.: 1D+4D-VAR data assimilation of lightning- Stenfanescu et al. (FL State)
4:00 p.m.: Lightning forecast algorithm- Bill McCaul (USRA)
4:15 p.m.: A cloud-scale lightning data assimilation technique and the explicit forecast of lightning with full charging/discharge physics within the WRF-ARW model- Ted Mansell/Alex Fierro (NSSL/OU CIMMS)
4:30 p.m.: Science discussion- Harold Peterson (USRA)
5:15 p.m.: Adjourn
Wednesday, 25 September:
Day 2: Cal/Val, Proving Ground
Programmatic Updates
8:45 a.m.: Status update: Meteosat Third Generation Lightning Imager (MTG LI)- Jochen Grandell (EUMETSAT)
9:15 a.m.: DARPA presentation- Matt Goodman’s representative (to be named)
9:45 a.m.: NLDN update- Amitabh Nag (Vaisala)
10:00 a.m.: WWLLN update- Bob Holzworth (UWash)
10:15 a.m.: ENTLN- Stan Heckman (Earth Networks)
10:30 a.m.:GLD360- Ryan Said (Vaisala)
10:45 a.m.: Coffee break
11:15 a.m.: GLM Validation with HAMMA- Philip Bitzer (UAH)
11:30 a.m.: Airborne GLM Simulator- Hugh Christian (UAH)
11:45 a.m.: AWG L2 Validation Tools for GLM- Monte Bateman (USRA)
12:00 p.m.: Lunch
1:15 p.m.: Lightning validation tool- Cummins (UA)
1:30 p.m.: CHUVA Contribution to GLM and LI- Rachel Albrecht (INPE)
1:45 p.m: Validation and Field Campaigns- group discussion – Blakeslee/Carey/Goodman/Cummins) (NASA-MSFC/UAH/NOAA NESDIS/UA)
2:45 p.m.: Combining satellite data with ground based data- group discussion
3:45 p.m.: Coffee break
Proving Ground/Training
4:15 p.m.: Outreach Efforts Involving the DCLMA- Scott Rudlosky (NOAA NESDIS)
4:30 p.m.: Lightning nowcasting using geostationary data- John Mecikalski (UAH)
4:45 p.m.: Adjourn
Thursday, 26 September:
Day 3: Proving Ground (continued)/Training
Proving Ground/Training
8:45 a.m.: Training- Brian Motta (NWS)
9:00 a.m.: PGLM at the Spring Program and the Summer Experiment- Geoffrey Stano (NASA-MSFC)
9:15 a.m.: The GOES-R GLM Lightning Jump Algorithm: A National Field Test for Operational Readiness- Carey/Calhoun/Chronis (UAH/OU CIMMS)
9:30 a.m.: The National Hurricane Center GOES-R Proving Ground- Mark DeMaria (NOAA NESDIS)
9:45 a.m.: Proving Ground/Training discussion- Kristin Calhoun/ Geoffrey Stano/James LaDue (OU CIMMS/NASA-MSFC/WDTB)
10:45 a.m.: Coffee break
11:00 a.m.: Summary of meeting/action items-group discussion
12:00 p.m.: Adjourn