GCPEX APR-2 Dataset Released

GHRC has released GPM Ground Validation Airborne Second Generation Precipitation Radar (APR-2) GCPEx dataset.  The Second Generation Airborne Precipitation Radar (APR-2) is a dual-frequency (13 GHz and 35 GHz), Doppler, dual-polarization radar system. It has a downward looking antenna that performs cross track scans, covering a swath that is +/- 25 to each side of the aircraft path. Additional features include: simultaneous dual-frequency, matched beam operation at 13.4 and 35.6 GHz (same as GPM Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar), simultaneous measurement of both like- and cross-polarized signals at both frequencies, Doppler operation, and real-time pulse compression (so that calibrated reflectivity data can be produced for large areas in the field during flight, if necessary). The APR-2 flew aboard the NASA DC-8 for the GPM Cold-season Precipitation Experiment (GCPEx) from 11 January to 25 February, 2012.

GHRC Featured on EarthData for IFloodS

GHRC is supporting the ongoing Global Precipitation Mission (GPM) Ground Validation Iowa Flood Studies (IFloodS) Field Experiment with a collaboration portal for the mission science team which provides for near-real time data acquisition; data access, visualization and map-based display; and science and instrument status reports.  IFloodS is featured on the EarthData web site as the DAAC Image of the Week.

GCPEX MRR Dataset Released

GHRC has released the GPM Ground Validation Environment Canada (EC) Micro Rain Radar (MRR) GCPEx dataset.  Environment Canada (EC) collected data from the Micro Rain Radar (MRR) during the GPM Cold-season Precipitation Experiment (GCPEx) in Ontario, Canada during the winter season 2012. Operating at 24 GHz the MRR, a vertically pointing Doppler radar, retrieved quantitative rain rates, drop size distributions, radar reflectivity, fall velocities on vertical profiles up to several kilometers above the unit.

Guide for MC3E Dataset Complete

GHRC completed the guide for the GPM Ground Validation Oklahoma Climatological Survey Mesonet MC3E dataset.  The data was collected by a network of weather stations in central Oklahoma during the Midlatitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment (MC3E) in the April-June 2011 timeframe, and is composed of 15 minute and 5 minute files with one file per site per day in MTS format, the standard format used for mesonet data. Data can be read as ASCII text. Multiple parameters found in this dataset include relative humidity, air temperature, wind speed and direction, precipitation and calibrated soil moisture.

GCPEX 2DVD Dataset Released

GHRC added  the GPM Ground Validation Two-Dimensional Video Disdrometer (2DVD) GCPEx dataset to its GPM GCPEX dataset collection.  Collected from six sites in Ontario, Canada, the data contains daily ASCII files with information on individual snowflakes and hydrometeors, and also binary files preprocessed from raw camera data. Overall data dates range from 27 October 2011 through 27 February 2012 depending on the specific site. GHRC also has related 2DVD datasets for data from the LPVEX and  MC3E experiments and data collected at the National Space Science and Technology Center (NSSTC).

Guide Published for NOAA Surface Meteorological Station MC3E Dataset

GHRC has published the guide for the GPM Ground Validation NOAA Surface Meteorological Station MC3E dataset.  The data collected for the Midlatitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment (MC3E) at the NOAA Southern Great Plains Facility includes wind speed and direction, temperature and humidity, and precipitation. The instruments gathering this data were a propeller wind monitor located 10 meters above the ground, a temperature and humidity sensor at the ground, and a tipping rain gauge at the ground.

IFloodS in the News

On Tuesday, June 11, 2013, there was a video chat on the IFloodS field campaign including PI Walt Petersen. See this link to view a playback of the 1hr video chat: Dr. Walt Petersen leads the Field Support Office at NASA GSFC’s Wallops Flight Facility and oversees the Wallops Precipitation Research Facility.  He is the NASA GPM Ground Validation Science Manager, serves as Lead Scientist on the GPM-GV field campaigns, including IFloodS, which is going on now. GHRC is supporting IFloodS with a collaboration portal for sharing weather forecasts, instrument status, mission science reports and plans of the day, as well as real-time data acquisition and visualization tools.  We are the data archive for all the GPM GV field campaigns.

Two LPVEx Datasets Published

GHRC has published two datasets from Light Precipitation Evaluation Experiment (LPVEx):  GPM Ground Validation Wyoming Cloud Radar (WCR) LPVEx and GPM Ground Validation Wyoming King Air Cloud Microphysics LPVEx.  Both of these datasets’ instruments gathered data while aboard the University of Wyoming King Air (UWKA) during September and October 2010 in the Gulf of Finland.  The Wyoming Cloud Radar, a Doppler radar, has reflectivity observations and doppler velocity measurements.  The Cloud Microphysics dataset has measurements for static pressure, dew point temperature, relative humidity, mixing ratio, liquid water content and droplet concentration from multiple instruments.  Both datasets contain aircraft navigational parameters.

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